Tag: Management

Moving beyond innovation hype

Moving beyond innovation hype and hyperbole

Is the hype and hyperbole around innovation threatening to disengage the very people it’s seeking to motivate? It’s true that some organisations need to innovate with urgency, but not all. Equally, while big business has a role to play, leadership by government and young businesses is equally important. With a...

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Ants have become the most successful terrestrial macro-scale species this planet has ever seen on account of their highly coordinated social organization, an ability to modify habitats, exploit resources, and defend themselves.

Are you the leader you need to be? How’s your adaptive capacity?

In times of tough market conditions and endless change, might a safe, process-driven approach to organisational leadership actually be counter-productive? Being nimble and adaptable – having adaptive capacity – is arguably more critical. But what does this mean for leaders, boards and investors? Change makes most people anxious, particularly when...

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