Infrastructure owners and developers are needlessly wasting billions of dollars each year. Why? Because the secret to high value, low risk infrastructure is hiding in plain sight. Intentional design offers a cheap, quick path to profitable innovation in the sector. Only a shift in mindset stands between investors and vastly...
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For decades, people have known the dominant approach to building cities, industries and economies is ultimately unsustainable. Today, people in developed and emerging markets are experiencing the consequences of our failure to adequately address the foreseeable issues. The risks and consequences of inaction are mounting, demanding urgent and collaborative action....
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While everyone is busy trying to innovate, is there a risk that we’re missing something of far greater significance to business, government and professionals alike? I think so. Australia was better shielded from the global financial crisis than many nations. Despite this, economic growth since has been sluggish. While global...
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It seems that everyone is talking about design thinking. But is it relevant to infrastructure owners, investors and developers? Newspapers, business and industry magazines are publishing ever more articles on design thinking or human-centred design. They include examples like Samsung’s mobile phones and televisions, PepsiCo’s products and customer experiences, or...
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Executives in the infrastructure sector can literally design their way to success. But their language and actions reveal that they don’t believe this to be true. This is despite real evidence to the contrary. Until they display the humility to test their basic assumptions, many millions of dollars will continue...
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A statement often attributed to Albert Einstein is “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” It’s a statement that many people will know to be true through their own life and professional experience, and now modern psychology and neuroscience is providing the evidence base...
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“What a terrific result! We need to apply this approach to all our projects.” That was Don’s enthusiastic response. He was a mining executive who’d just recognised a 700-fold return on his investment. So what had Don invested in – advanced geological mapping, new high-technology driverless trucks, off-shoring of engineering...
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