
Board leadership is pivotal to lifting productivity growth and prosperity

Board leadership is pivotal to lifting productivity growth and prosperity

In today’s complex economic environment, board leadership is crucial for driving the productivity growth that’s pivotal to sustaining business and national prosperity. While mergers and financial engineering have concentrated industries, they haven’t produced the innovation necessary for growth. Boards must recalibrate strategies, focus on problem-solving, and leverage technology to overcome...

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Aboriginal boy in Arnhem Land

8 questions to ask about the Voice to Parliament

Later this year, Australians will vote in a referendum to decide whether to change our nation’s Constitution to include an indigenous Voice to Parliament. Our Constitution is the set of rules which govern the federal Parliament, executive government, and the High Court. This vote is one of the privileges of...

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Sleep. Get it now!

Sleep. Get it now!

As company directors, business leaders and workmates – we’re all responsible for safety in the workplace. We carry a legal and moral obligation for the health and welfare of our people. This includes their mental health. As such, we must identify and address potential cause of harm. In this context,...

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Unleashing the power of invisible gods

Unleashing the power of invisible gods

We live in an era of phenomenal technological prowess. There is little that is technologically impossible, that can’t be engineered. Engineering is also one of the few professions that truly creates new value, new possibilities, new jobs. Yet the products of engineering are so pervasive they are invisible to the casual observer. The power of engineering is largely taken for granted. Engineers are like ‘invisible gods’ … but this must change.

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